set terminal latex set output "eg3.tex" set format xy "$%g$" set title "This is another plot" set xlabel "$x$ axis" set ylabel "$y$ axis" set key 15,-10 plot x with lines, "eg3.dat" with linespoints
Here you will see that the x range was not specified. The x range
is determined automatically, unless specified by the user. In
this case, it is defined by the range of the data file
. The function is plotted over the same range. If no
data files or x range are supplied, the default range of [- 10 : 10]
is used. We have also moved the key to a different position. The
function y = x is plotted ``with lines'', which is the default plot
style for functions, and is shown here to illustrate the plot style
option. The data file eg3.dat is plotted with style
linespoints, a style like lines that also plots a symbol at
each data point.
There is a style called points that only plots the symbols at data points, and another called dots that plots a tiny dot for each data point. The points and linespoints styles produce a different point symbol for each curve on the plot (for up to twelve symbols, after which they are re-used). The lines and linespoints styles use a different line style for each curve on the plot (in this example the dots have different spacing). Finally, the style impulses draws a perpendicular from each point to the x-axis.